Oh my goodness.
I apologize for being absent from the blog for so long. As I mentioned before, a lightning storm took out my computer about a month ago, and I was able to replace my PC fairly quickly. What I have not been able to replace quite so easily is the Photoshop software that’s packed up in a box, someplace, somewhere. I use that software on just about every blog post, and I’m stuck without it. I have not really wanted to pay Adobe’s monthly fee since we DO own the software, but when push comes to shove, well I bit the bullet and paid the fee. Now I am (hopefully) back on track.
I hope you enjoy the quotes that I share because I’m going to continue to share them. In fact, I’m looking into publishing a book one day. (I have WAY too many projects that I’d love to get accomplished in my lifetime; we shall see if this one comes to fruition.)
I love this quote (from Anne Tyler’s book, The Beginner’s Goodbye) because it reminds me how much I enjoy cooking on the weekends. I usually try a few new recipes — my keeper recipe notebook gets a little fatter each week, and that’s why I may start to share more keeper recipes soon. It also reminds me of my mother who loves to cook.
And the reference to dancing? Well, I agree that cooking is like dancing in the fact that you have to do things in a certain order and in a certain rhythm. And that thought reminds me of my grandpa who taught all his girls how to dance. I remember him distinctly quietly saying the repetitive mantra “1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3 …” when he was teaching me how to waltz.
P.S. A sincere “thank you” is extended to Colby Stopa for allowing me to transform her image. Oh, and this blog post does contain an affiliate link.
Missed you! Hahaha, when my husband & I dance and he messes up, he likes to count, as if it’s for MY benefit as the one who messed up. 🙂