I know this is pretty darn sexist, but mowing the lawn has always been a man’s job in every household I’ve ever been a part of.
And it’s a good thing, too — with my allergies, the aftereffects of mowing a lawn are not at all pleasant.
Although I will say that mowing with our zero-turn mower is kinda fun. (Mark always seems to enjoy it.)
P.S. The image is one of my found images.
Whatever you have mentioned in your blog is not at all true. This is a work usually done by men because they are more powerful and can d it in a proper way than a woman. Again vehicle maintenance is better understood by a man rather than a woman. So if you are taking care of both of them is not a big issue. You have left lots of other work for a woman.
Generalities and gross exaggeration. My Grandmother did all of her gardening and yard work. My first trainer in the Air Force was a woman. And darn good at her job. I have taught both of my daughters how to do minor car maintenance; the youngest one helped me pull the catalytic converter out of her car. I, on the other hand, can bake bread almost (but not quite) as good as my Grandmother.
You must not appreciate sarcasm, Micah.