Remember our friend, Jenny? She recently called us and asked if we’d be willing to build and donate a potting bench to Love, Inc.’s charity auction happening on February 12th. Of course, after all that Jenny has done for us, we couldn’t say “no”.
Mark built the potting bench using reclaimed door and window trim, plus a few reclaimed 2×4’s. After we built and cleaned the bench, we painted the chippy off-white wood with a thin coat of polyurethane.
I love the way it turned out, don’t you?
We are planning to make a few more for sale at a barn sale in Nacogdoches in late April. More details to come!
I love it! Picturing terra cotta pots and blue Mason jars on it and maybe a nice big chipped enamelware bowl. And so nice of you to donate it to charity!
My kinda look. Love it!!!
Love it KIM!
Last Spring, I asked Mike to build me one for our south deck and I love it, love it , love it! It’s a “happy” piece of furniture. I had him build it out of scrap cedar and put a couple of coats of clear sealer on it. Mine is slatted tho so the moisture and potting soil are easily brushed off. There’s about an inch or so between each slat on the top and also on the lower shelf. I don’t have upper shelves on mine tho….. I decided if I needed those we could add them on later. I will send you a picture in a few days.
Love ya Both, Drue
Love it!
I love it!!
hopefully I can buy one at the barn sell!! ❤️