What do you want to do when it’s freezing cold and snowing?
Me? I want to stay inside and keep warm.
That’s not the case for Stuart Baxter’s kind neighbors. They realize he has some health issues, and so they pitch in and clear snow for him. And, they won’t accept payment for their help. So Stuart honored them by taking a photograph and sharing the story on Flickr.
It’s so unbelievably sweet of these men to take time out of their day to help a neighbor.
Oh, and if you’re wondering why I chose to share this particular quote, you might like to know that it’s Random Acts of Kindness week. Stuart showed me a kindness by allowing me to modify his image and and share it with the quote.
I plan to do something kind to pay it forward. I hope you’ll consider doing the same.
Thank you so VERY much for allowing me to be a part of this. I hope this message resounds world wide and RAKs become a daily habit for everyone… peace, Stuart
I share your hope, Stuart!
When we first moved into our house our neighbors mowed our yard for the first couple of weeks until we could get a lawn mower, we did the same for the neighbors who moved in after they moved out.
The RAK I really appreciated when we moved in was the previous owners having left toilet paper the bathroom – as I hadn’t thought to bring any :+)
What wonderful memories. You’ve just proven my theory that it doesn’t have to be something huge to do something kind.