Last year my goal was to host one blog giveaway per month. While I fell short of that goal in terms of giveaways, I did give away more than 12 prizes.
Does that count?
In any event, I love to challenge myself (and I’m determined to get past some of the burnout I felt last year) — did you notice? — and I have set a more difficult goal for myself for 2016.
Have you heard of the 52 week projects that many bloggers take on each year? The goal is to select a theme and blog about it each week for an entire year. Two examples that come to mind are Bleubird‘s “52 Weeks” (she shared a photograph of each of her 4 children each week) and Jen Hewitt‘s “52 Weeks of Printmaking“.
I’ve decided my goal for 2016 will be to share a quote each week.
Let me tell you why.
I am a quote collector. I hoard them like candy. Just like a sugar high, I feel a rush when I read one single, beautiful sentence or small paragraph that distills someone’s opinion about a complex issue down to its essence.
I love how they help me see.
They confirm my own beliefs or offer me an alternate opinion.
Sometimes they make me want to cry, sometimes they make me mad . . . but all times they do make me think about what I hold most dear.
I also love the yin and yang of the quotes that I’ve collected. (There’s always at least two opinions, right?) With each quote I find about one subject — let’s say, justice — I find another one about injustice.
And, I think it’s curious that of my 400+ pages of quotes, so many of them are united by one central theme: love, heritage, regret, work, marriage . . . common themes that unite us all.
I love them so much that I’ve thought about publishing a small book of them. Maybe one day I will do that . . . . but that will have to be the goal for another year.
Anyway, I’m sharing this week are the words of Anne Tyler from her book, Ladder of Years.
Appropriate, I think.
I’ve always enjoyed your quote posts, Kim, so I look forward to this. On a side note – Bluebird’s blog photos – awesome! And ps – loved that photo of you with Mark at your wedding. I’ll be the first to vouch for names getting confusing when you divorce, remarry, and encounter [work] friends from the past. I always kept my maiden name as my middle name, but changing the last name got pretty crazy – especially with having kids.
Thanks so much, Rita. I, too, love James’ photographs of her children. She has a gift for photography. She must keep a camera in her hand at all times.
Hi Kim,
That quote from A.T.(one of my favorite authors) is fantastic. I am going to make a sign using those words. Great , too, for the New Year.
Awesome! I’d love to see your sign when you get it done.
I love it because it is so true to my life. Thanks for sharing
You’re so welcome, Deb. Glad it touched you.
Kim, I’m also a quote collector. I still have pieces I cut out of the paper or magazines when I was a teenager. I love finding something that says what I might have thought, giving me verification that I’m not the only one who thought that way.