I just have time for a quick “Have a great weekend!” before I shut down my computer. We’re having a storm here with lightning, and I do NOT want to have to repair my PC again!
Have a good one, you guys.
a beautiful way to combine photography and illustrations
an impressive dog park quilt pattern – available for purchase for $87.50
Rita’s impressive Jadeite collection
gorgeous raised beds built with river rock
a whimsical camper that holds all kinds of tasty treats
a creatively nautical towel rack
beautiful green reflections on an industrial window
Sources and Image Credits
(All images are used with permission from the owners.)
One: Alicia Buszczak, prop stylist’s website and Instagram; Andrea Bricco, photographer’s website and Instagram
Two: Alice in Stitches Art on Etsy and Facebook
Three: Panopoly
Four: Inspirational Homes blog
Five: claudine hellmuth’s Etsy shop
Six: ~Roxanne~ on Flickr
Seven: Martha Stewart via desde my ventana blog
Eight: Dave Worley on Flickr
(You can also right click on each image to view the sources.)
DISCLOSURE: This blog post contains an affiliate link.
Good stuff this week. I love all the jadeite right down to the pretty lids on the shakers.
Send us some rain please…we are so dry that fires are burning acres of our beautiful forests. I love your Friday Favorites :–)
I would love to have the river rock raised beds.
Such soothing shades of green in this collection.
Love, loving it all, especially the Jadeite. Some of the pieces in collection are what I had til I dropped box and broke much of it. Makes me so mad at myself.
No sense crying over spilt milk tho right? (well maybe once in while for just little bit?). Do have few pieces left so try to enjoy them. Wish I still had my buffet hutch to show them on but had to get rid of it, no room in this house. Enjoy that spectacular collection. We live in western CO now, few miles west of Grand Junction out in country again.
Know how it is with the lightning. When we lived in MT when a storm was coming I’d go run water in sinks, tub fill bottles etc., so would have water. We lived out on plains and when somebody flushed toilet it would draw lightning to their well pump and blow it out. Not something anybody wants to happen. Some of our neighbors had well pumps blown out and had to replace, OUCH on the pocketbook. Thank heavens one of our neighbors warned me, I’d never had a well, let alone well pump before, city slicker that I was. Hubs was on the road trucking most of time. The first time we had storm we were still in our travel trailer, boy was I scared, more than poor dog, held onto him like crazy.
Lightning hit our phone lines one time, there went a new phone all over the house and burn marks up wall in bedroom. Had just recently had phone put in. Nobody told us we had to have some kind of thing to deflect lightning, duh. Hard lessons to learn.
It was sure interesting and darned scarey out there on 20 acres alone at night when storms hit and boy do they hit out there, the thunder is enuf to make a person head for under the bed.
When we lived in KY when the wind blew like crazy before storm, electricity went out right away. Not too much fun out there alone in dark at night either. In summer electric would be out for hours, pretty toasty. When I heard the wind I’d go around getting all my oil lanterns ready and candles, matches. One time I spent lot of time out on front porch where there was a breeze at least once in while.
Watch out for your computer. Smart to get off before storm hits, just takes one durned lightning strike.
Happy weekend
well hope you made it through the storm, so many right now. loved all the green – spring is here!!!
Hi Kim, I am returning the visit! Charming features!