This may seem like an incredibly moody image to share at Christmas. Admittedly, I was on the cusp of not sharing with it with you.
I guess I wouldn’t blame you if you felt this post was not appropriate at this time of year . . . but to me, the photo is perfect as is the quote.
They remind me of wonderful, happy memories.
You see, I was an independent single woman for many years and rather than wallow in self-pity during the holidays (or traveling when I really didn’t want to travel), I treated myself to the movies.
Not just any one movie either!
No, with lots of time to kill and a love of of the theatrical arts, I enjoyed movie marathons, a hobby I learned from my Uncle Ronnie, who traveled periodically from the tiny town where we grew up to Abilene or Wichita Falls where he enjoyed a few (or four) movies in one day.
Yes, it’s a good thing that movie theaters were always open on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (in Austin where I lived at the time), but if that had not been the case, I had the wonderful invention called Netflix.
I remember those times, that tradition, with great affection. I did not feel alone, but independent, confident, and adventurous.
Please don’t misunderstand. Being happy then does not negate being happy now. I do love my husband and being married.
It was only natural to think back to my way of life back then when I saw this dark image, but movie theaters are just that … and I think Mr. Mayer’s message is such a positive one, don’t you?
If you have single friends like I do, share this quote with them if you feel inclined. It might just cheer them up, especially if they might be feeling lonely this holiday.
Kim, AKA soul sister to many. Thank you for your beautiful message and for pouring your soul out. Sad but true. Truer words could not be spoken – along with a great visual. Like most of the masses out here we all need to be reminded and accept that all who walk alone are not always lonely nor unhappy and sometimes even when we travel in pairs we still need to find that solace in our own space and company to find ourselves and reflect on our blessings. And remember to open our hearts and homes to those who do not chose to be alone regardless of the season. Wishing you and your movie date a Very Merry Chistmas with all its trimmings. xoxoT
I love the quote. I was also single after a divorce for many years. I have been happily remarried for 20+, love my husband and my life but I never forget my time as a single person. Some of the time I was lonely but most of the time I enjoyed and found fulfilling ways to occupy my time. I no for a fact that being alone does not necessarily mean you are lonely. I want to enjoy every second of this beautiful life God and given me.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Love it! For me it is a reminder that some of the choices I made that weren’t common 20 yrs ago (i.e. Homeschool and homebirth before the internet helped everyone have info access) and many times ridiculed by others (family members especially) were indeed the “road less traveled” and made all the difference in me being able to live gratefully instead of regretfully, because even though it was hard without support, it was my truth. Great on you for living with courage and positivity. And now sharing and inspiring others! Enjoy a wonderful holiday. D
I love this quote. You dont have to be single to understand. I have always been a person with strong moral convictions and this has left me alone many times. But I am content to be alone and have inner peace than to be on company with turmoil. Thank you for sharing!
I shared this quote with my husband and we both believe in it, wholeheartedly. I believe a person should be his/her own best friend, and being alone is no reason to not find joy in life and to indulge in what we love. I didn’t get married until I was 35, my husband was 38 ~ we both had many years of being single and we’re both introverts; we didn’t spent a lot of time socializing much when we were single. Being alone was nothing to complain about, it is treasured. To this day we both have our own rooms in the house in case we need some time to be by ourselves. Mayer is right, don’t be scared to be alone or to like it. It’s bliss!
I’m so glad it struck a chord, Sara! Happy New Year!