Whether it involves football or not, I hope you have a plentiful and joy-filled Thanksgiving.
P.S. Here’s the pin for the wonderful image!
Blog. Salvage. Repurpose. Build. Collect and Share Vintage Ideas.
By Kim 2 Comments
Whether it involves football or not, I hope you have a plentiful and joy-filled Thanksgiving.
P.S. Here’s the pin for the wonderful image!
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Certainly hope your Thanksgiving was all you hoped it to be. We had one of best in fewyears. Enjoyed time/dinner with our youngest daughter/child and her family that live not too far away from us. Due to a problem few years ago we’ve been working toward being as we were before the problem. Was hard for hubs and I as we were big part of their lives and then nothing for over 4 yrs. Was sure worth the wait tho. Kind of an emotional day for hubs/I, we’re so happy this day happened. Nothing fancy, just being with them (daughter, son in law and two grand daughters, teenagers 14 and 17).
Now on we all go into Christmas mode, creating, cooking, baking, decorating. I’m in midst of making holiday items for a juried craft show which will be on 12/13. Have to have photos of items, show application and business license to board by 11/30. Did they not realize 11/130 is a sunday? It also happens to be hubs/my 46th. Anniversary. So I’ve been making paper ornaments and whatever else I can think of every spare moment. (except now).
Happy week and enjoy the season
This is amazing day and I really enjoyed this day . Happy thanksgiving day to all.