Mark and I made a whirlwind trip to Houston last weekend for photography business. After that, we headed to Austin — we’ve been shopping for a good, used 3/4 ton truck and there was one there that we wanted to test drive.
Our two little dogs went along for the trip.
Although we were in Austin for only half a day, we decided to treat them to a visit to the West Austin Dog Park.
Little did we know that it was a Great Dane meetup event.
There must have been about 40 Great Danes at the park that day. What beautiful dogs! Gentle giants, I’ve always been told.
This slobbering monster was the biggest of the bunch, I think. He was fixated on the squirrels that live in the dog park and who love to taunt the furry 4-legged invaders of the park.
Kacy had the best time. When one of the park visitors commented about her being so small and the Great Danes being so large, Mark laughingly responded that she was the biggest dog in the park …. attitude-wise at least.
(Those of you that have met her can relate, I’m sure. She’s a Jack Russell and definitely FULL of personality!)
Kacy’s never been the least bit scared of dogs 10 times her size. All of the big dogs she’s ever encountered seem fascinated by a creature so tiny … and vice versa.
Molly, on the other hand, was not so enamored with the dog park experience. We weren’t sure what to expect since she’s never been to a dog park before.
(She’s a stray — a terrier mix — that showed up at our East Texas home last June. She stole our hearts, and we decided to keep her.)
Anyway, she had a somewhat good time. She was brave enough to play a little bit of ball with Daddy.
Kacy joined in the action some also.
Unfortunately, Molly got more than a little overwhelmed by all the huge dogs, and she tried to run away from them, which is the LAST thing she should have done.
(The other dogs thought she just wanted to play “chase”, which just made her even more terrified.)
So for most of the day, she stayed close to us …. her tail tucked tightly behind her. She knows we will protect her.
Glad we went to let Kacy have some play time and see if Molly would like it as well.
Lord knows that our Kacy loves the dog park….so much that it is hard to catch her when it’s time to leave.
Thank you Mommy and Daddy….says Kacy.
Hi Kim,
Looks like the girls had a good time , in spite of Molly’s fears. Wouldn’t Maggie have had a good time there as well! The 3 “little” ones could have given all those “gentle Giants” a run for their money!
So glad y’all decided to keep Molly! She’s a cutie and I’m sure she’s great company for Kacy. BTW, great pics of your “fur” babies!
Hugs to you and Mark
Yes, we’re glad we went. We used to go there at least 2-3 times per week when we lived in Austin. I can imagine, too, that Maggie would have enjoyed it also.
I had fun taking the photos and was quite delighted to see that I captured some good shots of the dogs. Many I deleted because they were just a blur!
We’re happy to have Molly as part of our family now. She’s such a sweet, sweet dog and a good playmate for Kacy.
Oh wow, such great pics, looks like it was fun for all. We own a weimaraner, Gus, he is 7yrs old and adorable. Loved checking out your pics <3
Thanks, Tracie! We always have such fun at the dog park and make a special point to go whenever we’re in Austin. Weimaraner’s are such GORGEOUS dogs.