Believe it or not, I am not just being facetious. There is actually a book by that title. It was published in 1893 and provides early views of the then-emerging successful business woman. I cannot seem to put my hands on my copy of the book, but if memory serves, the book lists about 15 common occupations open to women at the time.
Of course, we are well past that period in time where women had much fewer choices, and I can happily answer the question I’ve posed in this way: “Anything she damn well pleases”.
In any event, I thought it would be fun to share 25 fascinating vintage photos of working women on Labor Day. I hope you enjoy them.
Oh, and speaking of vintage photos of working women, there’s no way that I could have shown every occupation underneath the sun, so I’ve created a new group board on Pinterest, celebrating the wide variety of ways that women work. If you’d like to contribute to it, just follow me on Pinterest, then shoot me an email, and I’ll gladly add you.
printing fabric (or wallpaper?)
factory workers making hand-tufted carpeting
factory work stacking oil cakes
picking berries to make wine
Amazing…thanks for this!
Great pictures and post.
love the old photos! Especially the photographer. Thanks for sharing.
That stewardess looks like she is flirting doesn’t she?
She sure does.